Thursday, November 21, 2013

Thanksgiving Break

Now that it is almost thanksgiving break it feels like this past weeks has gone by so fast. But i am so ready for thanksgiving break, i think i need it. 5 days back home, even though i agreed to work 2 of those days. But it will be nice to be back at work even though i was so ready to leave there before i came to school so much so that i said i would never go back there, but when your broke you cant choose to be picky.
One of the best things about thanksgiving break is being able to sleep in, but ever since i started going to school my internal alarm clock is set at like 9. So then when i can actually sleep in i always end up waking up at 9 anyways. Even if i try to go back to sleep i always end up just laying there not wanting to get up. Another good thing about the break is the food. The best thing about thanksgiving is the food. All the yummy food that everybody eats way too much of and always ends up feeling sick later but it is still worth it. And also the leftovers are the best, especially leftover turkey sandwiches, yummm!
And not too mention during thanksgiving break there are some good football games happening during that time. On thursday, turkey day, the packers are playing. They are playing the lions, which if everything goes as plans aaron rodgers will be back and they will win. They need to win. Then on saturday there is a big game, osu is playing michigan. Im pretty sure osu is going to win seeing as how they are undefeated. The only problem is i agreed to work on saturday til like 6 and the osu game is on at 12. I'll have it recording but the only problem is not cheating and looking to see the score of the game. But overall i think this is going to be a good and much needed break.